公司采用当前国际上最先进的 WEB应用开发技术,能极大地提高应用系统的开发水平和开发效率。公司拥有一支开发经验丰富和富有进取精神的开发团队,及时响应市场需求,提供实用、高效、可靠的软件产品与信息化服务。
Chinese Equestrian Association, Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional into the enterprise software business management software for enterprises with independent intellectual property rights to provide management software, enterprise information and advice services and solutions. For the start-up type, growth, mature companies such as customized management software, including collaborative management platform software and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium enterprise office management software, enterprise portals, customer resource management software, enterprise inventory management software.
Company adopts the international most advanced WEB application development techniques, can greatly improve the application development level and development efficiency. The company has a rich development experience and entrepreneurial spirit of the development team, timely response to the market needs and provide practical, efficient, reliable software products and information services.
Training institutions set up under software development company specializing in Microsoft DOTNET technology training and promotion, developed a comprehensive technical training, practical training for the enterprise information management system development and maintenance personnel.
We hope that by providing high quality software products to enhance the management level of Chinese enterprises, efficiency, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
- 所在地区:内蒙古包头市
- 行业分类:计算机应用服务业
- 地址:包头市钢铁大街8号华茂大厦901 904
- 邮编:14025
所在地:浙江省杭州市经营范围:仪器仪表制造、试验机制造、试验机销售、测试服务、软件开发、技 所在地:广西柳州市经营范围:柳州金蝶ERP企业管理软件,微信小程序,企业官网及商城制作, 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:电气设备、自动化控制设备、计算机软件开发;销售:电子元器件、 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:展厅中控系统、智能家居、集成控制系统、投影融合系统、多媒体互 所在地:湖北省武汉市经营范围:电力自动化系统软件开发;计算机软件开发;弱电工程、智能家居工 所在地:广东省东莞市经营范围:软件开发,软件研发,软件销售 所在地:江苏省苏州市经营范围:微控技术领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术服务;流体 所在地:北京市经营范围:销售机械设备、仪器仪表、电子产品、计算机、软件及辅助设备、五 所在地:安徽省合肥市经营范围:传感器及配件、仪器仪表、电缆电线、电子元器件、工业自动化控制 所在地:江苏省苏州市经营范围:交通系统软件开发,停车场道闸,栏杆机生产制造销售 所在地:河南省郑州市经营范围:仪器仪表,电子无器件,高低压成套设备,机电设备,,阀门,五金 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:软件技术开发计算机领域